International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology - [Multidisciplinary]

Impact Factor : 3.864
Frequency : 6 issues per year
ISSN : 2455 - 1341
DOI : 10.29126/24551341
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Publication Charges: Free Open Access
Publisher: International Scientific and Research
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International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology (IJORE) is a scholarly international journal that publishes original research papers in the fields of theory and design of circuits, systems and devices for electronics, signal processing, and communication. The journal is open to submission from scholars and experts in the wide areas of electrical, electronics, instrumentation, control, telecommunication and computer engineering from the global world. Areas included (but not limited to) are Artificial Immune System, Conditional Monitoring and Instrumentation, Circuits and Devices, Communication and Information Processing, Electrical Engineering Communications, Electromagnetic and Microwave, Measurement and Testing, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Optics and Optoelectronics, Devices and Systems, Semiconductors, Systems and Control Engineering, Power Engineering, Power Transmission and more.
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Advantages of IJRE:
1.Rapid Publishing & Professional publishing practices.
2.Indexing in leading database & High level of citation
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4.High Qualitiy reader base & High level author support
Research Papers, Survey Papers, Study Papers, Subjective Papers, Experimental Result Papers, Analysis Study Research Papers
Informative Article, Comparison Papers, Case Studies Papers, Review Papers, Comparative Studies, Dissertation Chapters, Research Proposals or Synopsis, Working Projects, New Innovation & Idea, Prototypes and Models and many More
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8. IJRE promotes "Go Green" by providing e-publication of research paper.
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